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 ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)

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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 3:38

A woman in a black cloak walked past the ally were Ravanger had entered. She stopped and then looked over strait at him. It was too dark so there was no way to have a good look at what she looked like. "Waker.... At last we can speak..."

Meanwhile two men in cloaks came out grabbed Shara, She was going to scream out for Ravanger, but they covered her mouth.

"As you probably have already figured out, this world is virtual. A computer generated world... But what you need to know not everything here is artificial..." There was no doubt about it now, the woman was the the same who spoke to him earlier in dis-bodied whispers. "The body in which you are in, is special... Unlike the many other wakers like your self, you have in your possession a form that can change the very fabric of Data.. You are a Virus to this word, secretly embedded by this worlds creator... you were never meant to be inside of it though, but the fact that you are, in a .. virtual embodiment of that virus, can be used to our advantage. You may be the key to unlocking the Heart of this Virtual world... That is why we need you Ravanger.. To aid us. I am High priestess Mariel of the Land of Argus."

Shara managed to break free only for a momment to cry out. "Ravanger!!" She managed to shout out before they grabbed her again and forced her to breath some stuff that was held up to her mouth and nose, that forced her to pass out. They were wearing the same cloaks as the woman in the ally way.

"Dont bother... she will only be a burden in your way.. But we will keep her safe... We don't need her to detract you any further as she has already. But the things you will do.. Will save her life and many. With your help, you could bring us into your world.. The Real world! Your power to unlock the heart of this world, we hope will open a path into yours. The knowledg i carry proves this world is that of a dream.. a fake world.. we only wish to be real.. Safe from the entity known as Zero bug. We Dont want to be bits of data. And wouldnt you wish that for that girl Shara? Doesnt she deserve to be real?"
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 13:13

Ravanger looked over at he cloaked figure and took a step forward "trust me the realworld is not that great....i see i should have never left her..thats a mistake i wont make again....she deserves freedom is what she deserves"
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 13:32

"I am afraid you have no choice but to aid us... Look above you." As if on que, hovering above the town was the Zero bug. Mariel pointed up. Streams of barcode and empty digits, in form of ribbons spun outward towards the city. There was screams of people as they tried to run. Mariel then faded into shadows becoming nothing and just vanishing. But her disembodies voice carried on to Ravanger. "We will test your power, If you really desire Shara that badly.. then prove us your loyalty to her. She will be at the Tower of Flynn.. Take the boat to Flynn and save her, for this Zero Bug approaches the city of Flynn next.. and there will be other zero bugs. The Tower Flynn has the first lock to be broken to unlocking the heart of this world."


Rei turned into a black cat and was able to slip passed the bars. Shortly after he managed to grab the Keys so he could unlock the others from there Jail, as he turned back into him self. "That is freaky.." Silvian said but with out any other word he walked out of the cell. "Now to get our things..." Rei explained traveling down the hallway to a room were there equipment was being held. After they had grabbed there gear, Rei had to make due with one of the Soldiers swords, as his was lost now.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 13:39

without takeing a second thought he ran through the streets watching the people scatter as he ran down to the docks and over to on of the crew "get your captain now i need passage to flynn soon as possible"
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 13:53

Richerd stood and stared at Ravanger. "I am the captain.. What business do you have with my boat!" He asked, knowing fully well of the Zero Bug among the city, but he was nto going to carry passengers as he left to save him self if he could help it.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 1 Jan - 13:59

"my buisnes is my own however i know you dont want to wait around for the zero bug...it will be worth your time good captian" he walked up to him holding a handful of valuable gems to the captain
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyThu 7 Jan - 0:20

And at that, the captain had the boat moving in no time. Some of the crew were standing at the end looking out at the city as the zero bug ripped it apart. Towers and Buildings were being collapsed and then turned into green dust that then vanished being absorbed by the Zero Bug or Entity. "One of these days, the people here will find a way to defend against it. Perhaps the Lost Server..." Said one of the crew who was only looking back at the city as it fell by the force of the Zero bug.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptySun 10 Jan - 13:54

Ravanger watched the zero bug he felt helpless to help them and sighed "wheres norton when you need it..." he watched until the city was out of sight and the waled to the front of the ship and leaned on thge railing watching the ship tare through the water thunking to him self how such detail could merley be a program
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptySun 17 Jan - 0:13

The boat finally docked into flynn, The entire city was beneath ground, even the port. To get in was a Cave, that lead to a series of docks inside. The only light was a small opening above the entire city exposing sunlight that shinned down upon the tallest thing in the city... The Tower of Flynn. The tower was black and the city was much like a dump. Not only were the people of Flynn human, but there were drows among them, who too were enslaved by the armies of Flynn. There was suddenly the sounds of Sirens, and shouts that prisoners have escaped. Soldiers were now patrolling the entire city. Those who were not enslaved lived like street rats and scavengers, who at least had some form of dwelling, but the entire city had the image of slums. It was a slum city ruled over by the evil king and his army. "There we agreed you would be brought here... So the payment as you promised please?" The captain held his hand out to Ravanger wanting the currency as promised.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptySun 17 Jan - 0:27

Ravanger looked around the city finding it a eyesore to his tastes and turned and looked at the captain and placed a handful of gems in his hand "are you going to be here when i get back?"
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptySun 17 Jan - 0:50

"Are you crazy?! I aint sticking around here... your on your own now pal.. Cya later.." He said and turned around preparing to launch the ship yet again. "Ravanger.. If i were you, I would take sewers. Its a smell hole but it would get you the castle were you can get to the tower. Good Luck to ya, maybe we will do business again sometime."
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptySun 17 Jan - 1:34

Ravanger turned and walked off the ship as he found a clothes vendor and bought a robe and put it on and pulled the hood over it walking through the streets looking fr a way into the sewers
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 2:32

Not too far away....

"Soon she will be awake, and all will realize the truth."

"Be careful of that one. His claws will eat away at your skin. And keep him apart from his mate. They are dangerous alone, together they are monsters." "Yes sir....but sir... Is this really.... Phobia and Chaos?"

Kiana felt strange. One moment she was talking to Firos and the next moment....she was being carried by strange men in armor? 'What in the world?' "Hey.... would you let me down?" ....How odd... she must be getting sick... her voice sounded low and harsh.

"Holy! Drop Him! He's awake! Dont let him touch you with those claws of his!!!"

Kaina felt herself get tossed onto the floor and watched as another group of men dropped a female and got in a fighting stance, longswords pointing at them. "I seriously have no clue what the hell you are doing, but I do not think i deserved that." Putting her hand around up she....Screamed! Her hand was not her own. She looked down at herself wildly and....Suddenly blushed and looked back up at the men. "I'm......male....and.....naked???"

"Soon she will be awake, and all will realize the truth."

Firos heard a guy scream and rubbed his temples. "Can you please shut up with your yelling. I think i have a helluva hangover." ....odd... his voice was high by way to many octaves..... maybe Kaina kicked him in the crotch again in anger.... hopefully nothing was....."WHAT THE HELL?! WHY AM I A ******* GIRL? AND WHY AM I NAKED?"

Suddenly the two of them were knocked out by the guards who were just as confused about what the two mutants were saying, but not about to let the opportunity pass them bye. They quickly grabed the two and tossed them in a small cage, and locked them in.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 14:59

"Rei what are you doing?" Silvian asked, as Rei was going around unlocking cells. "These are people imprisoned by the evil king.. I am not going to let them all stay here as prisoners..." Rei stopped and quickly hid in the shadows in front of one of the newly unlocked cells. Silvian too did the same, but watched as prisoners were skidishing checking out there unlocked cells, with alot of caution. Then he looked up at Silvian and Rei who both held a finger to there nose saying "Shhh" The man then saw guards coming and then screamed out "Prisoners are escaping!!" Rei was rather taken back by the sudden betrayal of his kind gesture. "Rei come one. Forget them, we need to go! We can find other ways of freeing them, but we cant do nothing if were caught. Come on!" Rei and Silvian had ran passed the prison cells that phobia and chaos were caged in, and had to quickly hide once more as guards were storming though looking for them.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 15:33

Kaina was the first of the two to wake up. Rubbing her head she stood up and instantly looked around the dark cage for any form of clothing. She found some old tattered bedding, and quickly ripped parts of it to make a makeshift kilt to cover herself...or himself... god she was confused about the whole thing... it made no sense to her why she looked like a guy. Off in the distance she heard guards yelling and all kinds of other noises, but she didnt' care about that. All she cared about was getting out of the cage... helping the girl that still lay crumpled at her feet, and finding out what the hell was going on'Stupid girl. Why not let me take control of MY body and get us out of this place.'Whoa... that was strange... For just a moment there Kaina thought she had heard a guys voice in her...."You humans really are such simple minded beings.. Of course I am speaking to you. Did you really think I would just go away when you took over my body?"'Oh umm....of course not.... so umm... buddy... how do we get out of this cage? and umm... can we... you... i carry this girl?"'I'll get us out of the cage. Just let me have control for just a bit, I'll give you control back for only as long as you continue to amuse me. And yes. 'We' can carry this girl. Also. You will call me Phobia. ' Kaina did as she had been told and gave Phobia control. Since he did not quite understand what had happened, or why this girl was in his body in the first place, he flexed all of his muscles, testing them out to see if anything was wrong. Seeing that nothing was out of place he reached out and grabbed Chaos/Firos from the floor and tossed her/him on his shoulders. Then he reached out from the bars and started to pick the lock with his long claws. 'There are some other escapees that will draw the attention of the guards. I also sense that the banished god is also awake. We will go to him as we are supposed to.' Flicking out a serpentine tongue he growls quietly under his breath, as the seconds tick away. Finally he hears a click and pushes the door open. As he walks out, he sees a single guard that was sleeping on duty. He grins as the guard snores, and reaches towards him with one claw. 'This is your most useful power in this form girl. Be sure to use it when you need to. But be careful. You wouldn't want to do this to those who are your allies.' He drags his claw down the man's cheek and watches as the shallow cut bleeds for a moment. Then the blood and skin around it started to turn black, and melt away. The guard woke up just in time to see Phobia grinning at him before his eyes turned black, melted away, and a hand cover his mouth to keep the gurgling screams muffled.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 17:22

Ravanger countinued down the streets until he foun a way to the sewers not noticeing he caught the attention of one of the soldiers on partol and countinued on not sure where the hell he was trying to get to as the soldier raised the gun to his back "freeze....put your hands up" Ravanger stopped hearing a voice and closed his eyes and sighed as the guard countinued to interogate "who are you?"

"a enemy of flynn" he placed his foot on a shadow on the sewer floor and closed his eyes and within seconds his body seemed to just melt away instanlty into the shadow as the guard fired his gun at the sewer wall seconds later ravanger dropped down from the shadow up on the celing and landed behind the guard as a wristblade emerged from his gauntlets and he stabbed the guard and watched as the soldiers soul started to absorb into his armor as he felt himself grow stronger as his eyes glowed green and pulled the blade from the guards chest and watched it fall into the sewage "find me a way to the castle..." he watched as 5 shadowy anubites appeared and dissapeard in all directions
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 18:26

Phobia was having a grand old time with his body back under his control. Going down the opposite path as Silivan and the others, he had encountered very few guards, but the ones he did were promptly liquefied, their pain and fear feeding him and kaina. 'We feed off of fear, pain, sorrow, hatred, sadness, all those dark emotions, me and chaos. We were feeding off of a bunch that had been running from Zero bug just the other day, when we were caught.' He chuckled darkly, 'our master always taught us, dont be so gluttonous that you ignore your surroundings. He would laugh at the fact that we were caught for not listening to him.' Tossing yet another still body from his grasp, Phobia opened the door he had just come to, knowing it went directly to the sewers. He took only two steps down before seeing one of his master's Anubites. He muttered a string of profanities before walking before the anubite, and bowing to it.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 21:16

the Anubite stoped and glanced at him and stopped annd bowed back to him and spoke in a spoke in a deep voice "you what are you doing here?...." it looked at the way Phobia had come from
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 21:35

"Was caught by the humans. Working on escaping with Chaos. I will do whatever the master commands though." Phobia kept his eyes on the ground, for the rules stated that to look it in the eye would be equal to looking the master in the eyes, for which there is a grave consequence. The servants never look into the eyes of the master. Keeping Chaos in his arms while kneeling was hard, but the dare not get up until the Anubite allowed him to. These were the masters favorite guard after all.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 21:47

the anubite closed its eyes and spoke through the connection to the others and to Ravanger "i have located the entrance along with something else"

Ravanger heard the voice in his head as he closed his eyes and Anubis took him over speaking in a similar voice as the anubite "good we will join you soon...." the other four anubites appeared next to him as he started to walk following the anubites memory on how to get there after awhiile he approached the anubite next to Phobia "Phobia...its been a long time do i still hold your loyalty?" he looked down at him kneeling
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 21:53

Silvian and Rei were now running the other direction before they found entrance leading into the sewers. "This way Silv... " Rei said leaping in. Silvian growled as he smelled the Oder in the air, but fallowed. They heard voices down the end of the sewer, and with caution Silvian grabbed the strange silvery orb that shifted into a spear, while Rei held tightly the stolen solider sword in case they had to fight. "Are you Flynn!" Rei shouted spotting Phobia and Ravanger. Rei who not only could turn into a cat, also had heighten senses. But despite the fact that they were in the sewers, he would not be able to smell the fragrance of his sister on Ravanger.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 22:03

Phobia bowed his head even lower at Anubis. "As long as we breath, me and chaos are yours to command. As we were born, so we shall die your servants. However, master... it would seem the both of us have a slight... problem...." Phobia raised one of his hands to him and showed the barcode. "We have both become...hosts.... to some of the outlanders....what is worse.....mine....is female....."

Meanwhile, Chaos woke up in a fowl mood. She had been arguing with the Male in her body in her dreams for some time, and now finally had to admit that he could be useful. When she opened her eyes and saw that she was tossed on phobia's shoulders was the last straw. "Either you drop me, or i will slit your throat."
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 22:16

Anubis closed his eyes and took a deep breath "indeed...i to suffer this..disconfort as well but in time we will resolve this problem...now rise phobia for you master requires your assistance" he seen chaos moving but quickly was ignored hearing a voice shouting down the sewers and shouted back "flynn will burn for all i care"
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 22:29

Phobia dropped Chaos unceremoniously onto the floor and together they both rose, and looked back the way they had come. "Master. I am letting the girl take control for now. She seems restless, and from what i saw of her memories she can fight well." As Kaina takes control, she eyes Anubis for just a second, and looks at his face directly. "So you are this thing's master? Alright. You seem strong. So i'll listen to you."Back with chaos, Feiros had forced Chaos to relenquish control of the body and he just listened to everything that was being said, he himself not yet used to the body he was in, but glad that the male before him had clothed it.
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///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN)   ///Online Ice Phoenix - Part I: Zero Bug/// (Lost Server) (~FIN) - Page 4 EmptyFri 22 Jan - 23:14

Anubis turned and looked at Phobia hearing Kaina voice and grinned "that thing has served me well for along time and i only ask you do the same....what is your name?" the Anubites stood watching the tunnels in the direction Silvian was guarding Anubis and the group
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